Tired of working from home? Need to add a little variety to your work week? Come Hot-Desk with us!

Every day from 12pm you can come take advantage of our super-fast wifi and impeccable vibes while you tap away at your emails, design your next campaign or make use of our dΓ©cor in the backdrop of your latest Teams meeting.

We’ve got plenty of plugs available and the kitchen is open from 12 so you can even have a working lunch. On Tuesdays, get two Tacos and a drink for Β£10 and there’s plenty more cooking up in our kitchens every day from delicious smash burgers to pizza slices. We also serve coffee (hot and cold options available), plus, come five ‘o clock, you’re perfectly situated to get yourself a drink to de-stress after your day (if you can hold out for that long!).